As a Sons of Norway member, you can reconnect with your heritage, learn about modern Norway, build a strong financial foundation and participate in philanthropic endeavors that make a positive impact in your community. We're a thriving organization fueled by the participation and support of our members.
The lodge meets monthly at Our Savior's Lutheran Church, Rochester MN.
See our newsletter for the amazing schedule of presenters that cover Nordic topics. You are welcome to attend as our guest and stay for coffee and treats afterwards.
Join us for our largest annual event in mid-November! We are so proud of our Bake and Craft Sale. The tables are FULL with Norwegian and Scandinavian sweet treats. The craft sale is always enjoyable and the soup and sandwich luncheon always tastes great!
Other member favorites are Syttende Mai and Jul Fest dinners. We gather for a top notch catered dinner that is followed by musical entertainment. The desserts alone are worth attendance!